
Can they please, please, PLEASE have Daniel Portman show up in one of her scenes to yell, "Now that's what I call PODracing!"

Looks pretty common, people

I gave up on Mike Patton after the Comcast "Mr. Bundle" debacle.

So long as there's an all-ages section populated by those deadly LSD bees, I'm in

I have GOT to know what Snoop thinks of Hodor.

These days, it's not a romantic comedy trailer without a transgender joke tag at the end.

Urinetown is hysterical, and the music is incredibly catchy. I'm biased because I was in it, but it's my favorite show. The first-act Les Mis sendup in the finale is just the best thing.

…And You Will Know Us By The Plastic Crimewave Vision Celestial Go Ahead and Take a Bathroom Break and Hang Out in the Beer Tent for Half an Hour Guitarkestra on Drugs

"I Give Up; Also, Big Fat Greek"

I was worried that "Death Cab for Cutie" and "The War On Drugs" were not sufficiently wordy band names to fill out a bill, but my fears were assuaged by the presence of The Plastic Crimewave Vision Celestial Guitarkestra.

But what does Wayne Coyne think about it all?

Stick team.

On the positive side, I can finally stop masturbating for a minute.

Oh, but to relive the halcyon days, when radio stations scored big with musicians by calling U2 "fags."

Will it take an hour and a half before Boba Fett actually shows up?

The Ruminant Band is one of my favorite albums of the past several years. Totally came out of left field for me when I was asked to review it a few years back.

It looks a little bit like a Dug, except that it's walking on its feet.

Nans, dead people can't get sick

Including the possibility as part of an explanation for something is not oversimplifying, no.

It will be called "NFL Football."