
Shouldn't we first be addressing the fact that nearly every major human character was yellow?

He should do it in character as David Letterman.

Is that an Oasis video? That looks like an Oasis video.

"the implicit perspective of someone sitting at the table, like he is"

I gathered that you use the quote to mean that "implicit perspective" applies to Tywin, when in fact it applies to the viewer. When you say "of someone sitting at the table, like he is," I guess you mean Tywin. That's not whose implicit perspective the article is talking about, though. The only person other than the


No, but have you heard how kisses from Fido can improve your health?

Except that Jaime is standing for most of the scene.

My goodness. "Outside Love" was one of the best albums of 2009. Grand, psychedelic folk-rock that stripped down the best elements of Black Mountain. I will *never* listen to this song again.

Absolutely, please stay away, it's terrible here.

The lyrics to "Horse" are fantastic. Granted, it's one verse.

A lot of what you say is true, but you're overestimating Jabba's reputation. He's not even remotely "the crime master of the galaxy." They specifically chose him to be the chief gangster of the ass-backwardest hick outpost planet on the outer rim. Sure, he's got loads of money - because no one else bothers with

It's pretty cold to begin the title of the review for Nick Frost's first "solo" studio movie with "Simon Pegg."

I love the film's score.

I honestly thought it was going to be audio clips of roided-out Bret Hart and LL Cool J

Without clicking the link, I'm going to go ahead and assume that this article refers to erections

Will you look at the tits on that taco?

People are really still calling Mike Gordon a pedophile in 2014?

Misread as "Game of Goatse;" thought it made sense, clicked

I laughed so hard that it took fucking Carrie Brownstein to make a bunch of my "indie" friends to finally realize Phish is good. I'm not even wading into a defense of their solo stuff.