
Still awaiting confirmation that Dinklage will be playing a drunken, blowjob-obsessed Ewok

FWIW, Jabba's appearance was all over the place conceptually until they settled on the puppet in ROTJ. That said, I don't think it's necessarily meaningful at all that Jabba appears sluglike. He could be Pizza the Hutt, a giant sandworm, or just some fat guy, and they could hit the exact same plot points. The

Every shitty planet needs an overlord, dude

Hosted by Jabba Galifianakis

"Sand People," indeed

I've got a great feeling about this, said only the Moroccan Film Commission

Yeah, they'd call it Mos Eroded

True, though the name of the planet is spoken aloud for the first time in Empire. So they kind of go there.

It's all a smokescreen - Episode VII is mostly taking place on Coruscant and Corellia. The desert location stuff is for the rumored Watto sitcom, "Jew Fly."

The fact Jabba lives on Tatooine isn't a coincidence at all. The reason Obi-Wan meets Han and Chewie in Mos Eisley is that they're on the planet to try to buy some extra time before Jabba puts a bounty on them. ::re-tapes glasses::

Fine, make a fucking inspired choice that is really difficult to complain about. Fuck off, great band.

Mine asks me when the Knight of Flowers will be giving her his purple rose

Part 3 moves on to the Red Bedding

Jerry would have to be Walder Frey, what with all of the women following him around

DEAD Jammed

They really need to have a recurring whore character named Winter.

I remember when he singlehandedly decimated the forces of House Sanborn at the Battle of Montreaux.

Die wanna wanga.

It's the dating show from alternate-universe Mallrats, with Contestant #3, Dick Whitman.

Wait. Suicide Girls has "porn porn," like sex on camera porn? I thought it was was just alt—pasty-fetishy-Playboy.