
Life is a cruel carousel, Mary.

I remember the first time I saw that Mr. Scruff video on Amp. Whoa, nelly.


Do you really not think that guy resembles Kevin Garnett?

Is that Kevin Garnett?

Who doesn't?

Anyone been wondering what Conan is going to be doing in a year? Because this is what Conan's going to be doing in a year.

You know boys named Cat? Even Stevens couldn't handle it.

Today in "Headlines You Can't Just Make Up"

Wow, that would have made a great 3-minute finale.

Remember when this was the "sellout" Green Day record?

The Sopranos finale was tremendous.

How did you know I masturbate to Diana Rigg with an ammo bel-Oh, Lena Headey.

Conscious unbuckling

Arya has steadily become the creepiest character in a whole uniiverse of fucking creeps.

It was so bizarre when they got big. Among those of us deep in the 90s "ska scene," everyone thought No Doubt were friendly, well-intentioned but ultimately half-assed Dance Hall Crashers ripoffs, and then then poof! Sound changes; MTV. Just like that. I like that album. It's really solid pop with only tiny bits of

It's one thing to strain one's credibility by claiming "reverse racism" is a thing. It's another thing entirely to make that claim in the context of a rant about a song's supposed racial insensitivity.

In all seriousness, I wish peaceful rest for Fred Phelps. Few souls are either as clearly troubled, or in such desperate need of stillness, as his was. He could have used a good fucking, too.

The S7AR WARS logo from the presentation was too much even for Sonia, she of the commas and malapropisms.

It's Gore-Tex, Jesse!