
Know how I know you're dying?
You're driving around the country re-connecting with former students.
( … )
Know how I know YOU'RE dying?
You cried during "The Bucket List."

You'd know something about parental estrangement.

Lawrence Taylor of Arabia.

Oh my God Martin Lawrence of Arabia

Lawrence Taylor, tbh

Only if Jean Kasem's on board.

Imagine how much better this would be with Martin Lawrence instead of Martin Freeman.

Masters of Sex is tawdry, pop-psych bullshit disguised as high art. In reality, it's nothing more than a way for coastals who read The New Yorker to get their minerals off.

Iger was coy when asked about the script's rumored Darth Hipster and Slave Hannah assplay setpiece.

I often refer to the experience of being a Song of Ice and Fire fan as tantric, as winter has been coming for almost 20 years now.

This time, the DVD cover will only feature metaphorical dicks.

Chuck went to Lucy's psychiatry booth and complained that his life felt two-dimensional. This was her brilliant suggestion.

This video mainly just makes me want to get really high with Neil deGrasse Tyson.

Fuckin' magnets, man

Nien Nunb: "Namana baba badamadamana, heh heh heh"

I wish he'd stuck the Lando on that pirouette. No?

She'd have made a great Ventress if The Clone Wars had been live-action

I see you've forgotten Sy Snoodles.


This is my favorite song of all time. I've been doing a little routine to it for about 20 years. It really embarrasses my wife.