
Night Train. Now that's a mean wine.

When I see that guy's name
I can only think of Batmanuel.

"You never know" is fanfuckingtastic. It would fit right in on Summerteeth. Love the guitar riff cribbed from George Harrison's "My Sweet Lord."

Four songs in
I like it pretty well so far. A lot more on the rocking side. "One Wing" is better live, the studio version seems to be missing a pretty majestic charge at the end that really kicked the song into overdrive at Lollapalooza last year.

I was underwhelmed by the Neko album at first too- the songs are really getting under my skin now after 5 or 6 listens. I recommend continuing to go back to it.

Thank you, Lester. Best laugh I've had in days.

Ain't no Safeway in Austin.

Rabin, you forgot one of the more interesting ones…
"Stuart Saves His Family." I say interesting because of a genuinely weird performance by Vincent D'Onofrio as Stuart's loser brother and a long, digressive, and surprisingly realistic legal fact pattern-on-film based on a non-verbal agreement concerning the location

Gosh, that firstie would have been so good if you hadn't begged for it.

That was by far
the nastiest C+ review I've read on this site.

Yeah, just listened to the U2 over on the Myspace.
It's kind of like All You Can't Leave Behind in that there are some really great moments, but there is a lot of meh, too. All in all I like it as well as any of their late-period stuff, on first listen anyway. Good guitars.

That was a great interview.
I think Tim Matheson is one of the great mis- and under-used talents of the last several decades. Whenever he's great (Animal House, West Wing), it's just "wow."

I have got to call bullshit, Modell.
I am deeply impressed if you've really managed to live the last 15 years only having heard one Dave Matthews song. That shit was ubiquitous for a while, and not just on the radio. It was pretty much everywhere. You've really never heard "What Would You Say?"

Anyone else
get some strong T-Rex influence in the posted song?

Guancous- End of the game, go to the bottom of the screen, Knifey won't get you (usually) there. The bad guys keep coming if you don't fight Stabby. I imagine it would take about 6 hours to get to a million - I got to about 32,000 and lost interest.

Wow, this is a really bad song.
But shouldn't D- be reserved for Staind or something? This isn't Pitchfork.

My lord, is this what I've come to? Defending John Travolta? I really need to drink less.

Speaking of Nazis, The Thin Red Line, too. Totally unwatchable.

Yo Gleeth, Get Shorty called, it wants your scalp.

I tried to post this yesterday - that was a fantastic firstie. And I can't stand firsties.