
Is Dion disqualified because the song is also about Martin? Because his probably would have been my #1.

I know I'm 7 months late, but…
I remembered this as one of the all-time great MYOFs and accompanying comment threads. I saw Speed Racer last night for the first time - impulse Blu-Ray rental - and it blew my face off. Loved it. Loved loved loved it. I don't care what nearly everyone says.

I swear…
I've seen this indie-move MadLibs thing somewhere before.

I think Pitchfork is insufferable as much as the next guy does. But credit where credit's due - they gave Kid A a 10.

Ah, now I get it. I didn't see that this was addressed because the newest comments were listed first. AV Club, you're blowing my mind.

I've only made 13 comments, apparently.
Are some getting lost in the changeover?

Aww, look at you, fishing for someone to recognize that you listen to Desmond Dekker. Cute!

It's hard for me too. Sure, Killers records are big, dumb, high-concept fiascoes. But they're as fun to listen to as they are to make fun of. Damned if I don't pump my fist to their singles when I'm in the bar, even if it's done semi-ironically.

It must have been way different in person-
I spent the entire performance of "If I Was A Boy" or whatever that song is called loudly complaining that the way she kept looking at the camera was creeping me out. Calculated miss, I think.

I mis-remembered the spelling, by the way, for those of you who are interested- it's Blacky, not Blackie, and the company is Nestle-Scholler.

Overtly Racist Products Still Available Today
I think this would make quite the AVC feature.

Hindsight is 20/20
You know, I've probably been to about 2 dozen concerts after which I breathlessly proclaimed that I'd just seen the best show of my life. In retrospect, a couple of them really stand out:

Prince Caspian
That made a whole lot more than $58 mil, and cost a whole lot more than $76 mil. Are these numbers right?

Y'all should check out that Delta Spirit record.
I like it a lot, I've had it since last year I think. Good semi-rootsy indie stuff. The lyrics can get a little syrupy, particularly on "People Come On (or some variation of that title)," but I like the record. And they kill it live.

I didn't say the joke was original, I said the line was funny, and I stand by that. I think the delivery was priceless.

Oh, come on!
"I'm Utah- I got multiple bitches" has to be one of the funniest Cube lines in a while.

I went to a Miracle Fruit party last year…
…in January, at a friend's house. Like these guys say, it's not a life-changing experience or anything, but it was really fun and I'll never look at lemons in quite the same way again. Among the hits of the party were the citrus fruits (especially limes for me) and goat

My very favorite part of the ad
Did anyone notice that soon after it's announced that the 9/11 money is Liberian currency that the announcer says it's only available to American citizens?

Beat me to the punch. Well done.