
To be honest,
I don't want an Arrested Development movie. At all. And I love the series. Even if it is a great movie I still just don't want it to exist and I don't know why. I just want to remember it as the little TV show that could. And then inevitably couldn't.

Great concept for an interview, Sean. So was this the guy that kept on ditching you?

No doubt. I've actually never heard of these guys until now, and I'm really impressed. Kind of a silly name, though.

How lame is it that I'm actually kind of sad? Good luck, Chang!

I'm pretty sure it was last week's that got a D, not the Fishsticks episode.

I'm usually not a fan of her,
but Allison's impression of Gokey was actually pretty funny. And now I've been singing the "I want to love you!" part ever since.

I only watched the first five minutes as well and holy shit. Make out with a stranger for 100 dollars?

I'd say her Kathy Lee impression is pretty spot-on. It just so happens that Kathy Lee is really fucking annoying, so I'd prefer not seeing it.

Are you saying a B is equivalent to "meh"?

That movie came out in 1996. Also, do you actually watch these movies or are you just bullshitting?

I just love how Sal is wrong about absolutely everything. I think they once joked about replacing him, but they gotta keep him on. It's great to go against everything he says.

Trust me, I think Cowher knows what he's doing. Plus, we already got ourselves a head coach in Eric Manginiā€¦. (Bangs head against wall.)

Predictions, etc.
As a lifelong Browns fan (though that's not exactly saying much, considering I'm 18) I would love nothing more than to see the Larry Fitzgerald and the Cardinals crush the Steelers by 100 points. Having said that . . . Pittsburgh over Arizona, 28-24.

Dammit, that's supposed to be "ate," not "at."

Tasha probably at them off camera so guys wouldn't make creepy comments about her putting pig lips to her mouth. Oh, the internet.

I think the movie that doesn't belong there the most is actually The Reader, or maybe even Frost/Nixon. Take out one of those movies and put in The Dark Knight or Rachel Getting Married and I think that's a solid top 5.

That was an amazing show. It surprisingly lasted two whole seasons, but I think they stopped last year. Sad.

Thank you, Pair, for actually making me do a spit-take.

Hear, hear.