The Howling fan Todd

This shit just got real…
fucking sad. This must be why I saw a flag at half mast today.

Both films
Will star Eddie Murphy as Athos, Porthos and Aramis.

Me and yooooooouuuuuuuuuuu
and a bottle of Buckie

Out, damned Band-Aid!
1)Walt is becoming a bit of a Mac-Heisenberg. His guilty conscious is translating to a perpetually sullied swimming pool that will never get clean, just like MacBeth's fair lady.

Walt's health care
Anyone detect poetic justice about this airing the night of the health care reform passage?

Danger Mouse
Dude has got a lot of fingers in a lot of pies. Now I like Danger Mouse, and I like pie…but I don't want all my pies to taste like Danger Mouse. I'd hate to see music become homogenized by him. Gnarls Barkley, The Black Keys, Beck and now Broken Bells?

I bought Monster for 49 cents at Hastings, a steal if you ask me. The guitar all over that album is both Redunkasaurus Rex and reDick Cheney.

Huge Gram?
The spelling of the site leads me to believe they also provide some heavy product.

Somebody get me…
Ray Wise!

I think you just had a Draper moment.

How many times did you see it?

Pabst smear.

I knew that was coming. Only one duo could pull it off: Nolte/Busey.

Trailer spoilin'/werewolves
Don't the trailers seem to make it obvious that Hopkins be drinkin' pina coladas at Trader Vic's as well?