How good is Christina Hendricks? She shows so much in her eyes even when keeping the rest of her face relatively expressionless. It's unbelievable.
How good is Christina Hendricks? She shows so much in her eyes even when keeping the rest of her face relatively expressionless. It's unbelievable.
How good is Christina Hendricks? She shows so much in her eyes even when keeping the rest of her face relatively expressionless. It's unbelievable.
Same and that just shows how ridiculously good this show is. That should be impossible but they pulled it off.
Same and that just shows how ridiculously good this show is. That should be impossible but they pulled it off.
Totally agree about Megan moving away for three months. If Don had told her he was doing that, she would have flipped out the same way.
Totally agree about Megan moving away for three months. If Don had told her he was doing that, she would have flipped out the same way.
Gross guy? He's not that bad!
Gross guy? He's not that bad!
Trip to Paris with Selina? That guy's coming back in a body bag.
Trip to Paris with Selina? That guy's coming back in a body bag.
He should start going by D-Dog.
He should start going by D-Dog.
Wait, so the fact that I think she's hot is weird again?
See, I think the flashforward conceit was in place because it's ridiculous to think that these people would be narrating and reflecting on their lives in real time, especially during the hectic final days of a campaign. It makes much more sense to have them talk about it after.
I really enjoyed this show and I thought the actor playing Tak did an excellent job. The ending hit on all the right notes. Definitely makes me more willing to check out other online shows.
As good of a job as Jason Segal does playing High School Marshall on How I Met Your Mother, I don't know if he could pull it off full-time in new seasons of Freaks and Geeks.
Too bad Brian Williams didn't do the black face.
Loved that move. Paul Rudd really nailed it tonight.
From my point of view the Jedi are evil!