
They're not showing the dreaded boobies, so it's all good.

I'm guessing that apartment is where he stayed when he was alive.

I think she's more clever than she lets on. She just doesn't have a stomach for nastiness. I doubt she would lie for her mother if she knew the reason. Of course, Fiona's magic is much more powerful and she could've planted that memory in Cordelia's head too. When bitches got magic, the possibilities are endless!

It really did look like Madison would be the next Supreme (until Fiona killed her). I'm not convinced she actually had a heart murmur since the first mention of it was Cordelia's testimony, possibly false to protect her mother. Zoe's increasing powers did not appear until Madison was out of the picture. Could it be

I wondered the same thing.

Is anyone else bothered that Georgia not only found Will's house but managed to break in and hide under the bed without the dogs making a fuss? Talk about suspensions of disbelief…

Maybe she's really a he…

Does anyone know WTF happened to Ryan Hardy's sister? Is she still being held at gunpoint by a follower? Does he even give a f…?

I swear I saw her in that little bit of video they played.

Wouldn't it be SCDH now?

I think flashbacks as a way of letting the audience know relevant facts about the past are better than the drunken confession method, at least in this case. It would be completely out of character for Don Draper to verbally lament his past to someone, no matter how intoxicated.

Wasn't there a Jewish girl, the heiress to the department store? Rachel, I think?

When Ryan was watching the videos from the serial killer bootcamp, how could he not notice Molly was in them?!