
Ok. Now it's quite clear that you are Roman Polanski.

Bingo! And it feels like they expected us to fucking love them. They are so grating to listen to.

Also, Fe Li Na

I wish, but no. TV will keep beating that dead horse.

There's no such name as BrBa.

@avclub-6ee934260c80f2e2f9098dcd3e44c032:disqus No, he really didn't. Watch a recent interview with him on YouTube. He's a broken young man. Just sad.

Who knows, maybe he donates a ton of money to anti-gun causes?

Yes, because sooo many people are on Carrey's side here.

Hell, I kind of respect Jim Carrey for that. Not that I necessarily agree with him. His heart is in the right place.

Next day on Amazon! That's what I'll be doing. Do realize that you have to purchase the episodes.

stl unfxd

Yeah, I think you are right, and I thought it was pretty obvious. She's remembering things right before she went into her coma. She even mentioned something about a hunched over figure that I thought might be Monroe.