Casimir Vacuum

Yeah, that little ditty didn't age so well .. . .

OK, see below . . . how many of those low-budget King movies are there out there?

Ladies and Gentlemen . . . AIEDA DIES!!!!!!!!

Is it possible that Verhoeven is retroactively backpedaling, because he kind of has a rep for being, as mentioned upthread, ham-handed and unsubtle? I'm positive he wouldn't be the first if he were. As it is, I might cede the point that the movie is satire, just not very good satire.

Has anybody noticed Verhoeven's disinterest in directing people to use idiomatic, naturalistic dialogue? Is that a conscious choice or does he just not know how English is used as a first language? In Robocop, Hollow Man, SST, and Showgirls, everyone sounds like they're translating from Dutch in their heads . . . .

It's useful to remember that, in an essay in Expanding Universe, he makes a recommendation that all voting booths present a quadratic equation for the voter to solve before he was allowed to cast a ballot.

I think I'm gonna split the difference here. I'm actually pretty satisified at Mike's argument distinguishing physiological optics and film recording — cameras are clearly not eyes. And I do recall thinking that that particular scene looked strange, unnatural, disorienting. However, it could be that the unsettling

That's perfect. O sweet mother of God, thats perfect. Private Eyes is now stuck in my head, but in a good way.

That's perfect. O sweet mother of God, thats perfect. Private Eyes is now stuck in my head, but in a good way.

I'm not sure I understand the consensus that Family Guy is a disaster but South Park is Enduring Art . . .