
I read them to my sons a couple years ago when they were 10 and 8. They could have read them themselves, but I wanted to have a chance to reread them myself, and I wanted to be able to discuss the concepts and ideas in the books with them as we read them together. My kids absolutely loved them. They laughed, they

Yeah, that would be a great idea; also, the writers should have him remember to save when he reaches the last checkpoint before the boss fight.

Everyone has a right to an opinion, so I was with you until that last bit, but you lost me there. Has this movie been advertised as a dumb popcorn film? I haven't seen it yet, so I can't comment on the film itself, but I've seen ads and the trailer and I'm interested precisely because it doesn't look like a typical

These are the only types of horror films I like. I'm not interested in slasher stuff or torture porn or being jump-scared. And every time I see an article about The Witch I get The Cult stuck in my head all day.