Bastard People

I can't figure out how this happened. When she touches someone, she doesn't transform into the other person—her mind, or soul, just enters their body. She said her mom was passed out from drinking, so when she touched her mom, wouldn't she just be lying on the couch passed out, while her mom now had her own fully

He's the Flying Man!

It's funny—Dan Stevens had an unexpected solo in Downton Abbey, when the family thinks Matthew might be dead in the trenches and he shows up at their party, immediately breaking into a duet with Mary ("If you were the only girl in the world, and I were the only boy…"). The first time I saw that scene I couldn't help

As a kid I considered it better than the movie, not a high bar to clear, but I haven't read it since then, so who knows.

Between her, Heath Ledger and Ben Whishaw, the film was a veritable feast of hot Bob Dylans. And no, I do not include Christian Bale. He managed to be worse than Richard Gere.

I read the Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls novelization.

Thanks for that header pic, now it'll be weeks before my vagina unclenches.

Fair enough.

Growing up in Pittsburgh, I always considered it East Coast since PA is a mid Atlantic state, not to mention being one of the original 13, so I was surprised to hear upon moving to New York that some people consider it "the Midwest." And even though Ohio is only an hour's drive away, I still think yinz guys are just

Wow, I got two of these for two different comments in the same thread. And I'm going home, and I'm gonna bite my pillow, is what I'm gonna do!

What's a couple hours when you need to prove that you said it first!

At the end of the day, this is a competition, and I came here to win, but got thrown under the bus.

Pauline, aghast: "You didn't tear these out of a library book, did you?!"

With that ratio, it looks closer to a rice ball than sushi.

Donald Trump is a spite president.

It's so different from his typical characters, which is part of what makes the performance so great.

I thought it was really funny and actually did something original. It seemed to get overshadowed by the Phoenix-on-Letterman thing, but that was part of the point of the movie! About navel gazing celebrities, fame, viral voyeurism, etc. I used to think that it would gradually become appreciated after its time, but now

Aha, I found it: It was the one about buildings that serve no purpose. Your article didn't mention spite houses, but the first comment does, and then you replied that you wished you'd seen that one first. http://www.avclub.com/artic…

It's not bizarre, it's a great American novel. And I didn't say it had to be inflicted on everyone, just wanted to offer a defense since no one else was.

Well, I love The Scarlet Letter. Loved it when I read it in high school. And it was valuable, at least for me, not just for the beauty of Hawthorne's writing, which is profound, but for presenting Puritanical mores through a lens of transcendentalism and offering different perspectives on religion, sexuality and the