I could have sworn this was already featured on Wormholes, but the article mentions that the NYT has also featured it, which is I guess where I saw it. Wasn't it at least mentioned on a previous WW?
I could have sworn this was already featured on Wormholes, but the article mentions that the NYT has also featured it, which is I guess where I saw it. Wasn't it at least mentioned on a previous WW?
It's actually a Maurice Sendak reference. At least I hope it is.
But then you're in New York, so why would you ever fucking go to Denny's?
"Respectable Sperm Receptacle" sounds like a Guys and Dolls song that didn't make the cut.
Hell yes. Sprinkle a few raisins on that shiz or drizzle with honey and you've got ambrosia.
Actually, last time I had one it had been a very long time since the previous one, and while I can't say that in the moment I thought "this is better than sex," I definitely experienced a rush of warm, pleasant feelings, which is indeed an improvement on some of the sex I've had.
And misogynists will love it too because they can just quote it out of context and ignore the fact that Chappelle is a feminist himself. He says as much during the same exact bit.
And that alien turned out to be…you guessed it, Alien Jesus.
It's bad they were so worried about fan service that they included the completely unnecessary and terrible CGI versions of GM Tarkin and Princess Leia.
All right, you caught me: I know nothing about Iron Fist. I was joking blind out there. It was a rookie mistake.
I read the fawning article that went with this picture this morning. But don't worry, if I just rest up and drink plenty of fluids, I should feel better in a couple days or so.
I really need to see Hunchback again.
It's between her, Scarlett Johannson, and the dude from Iron Fist.
Is Polite Fight gone for good? I hope not, because Better Call Saul and Fargo are both coming back. Maybe they'll do it as part of this show. I like Teti's easygoing yet nerdy onscreen presence, and Gus always has great insights from a technical perspective, not to mention his bitchin' hair.
Though the sexy ones aren't funny, and the funny ones aren't sexy.
This was funny because I had no idea what NCIS is, apparently.
I've had this nagging idea that everyone who wants to protest Trump/Trumpcare/the GOP's ballessness should just refuse to pay their taxes. Money seems to be the only thing these people care about. Is that a crazy idea? Has that ever been attempted before? If enough people abstained from the annual pony-up, I think…
So this is where everyone is.
And I loooooove youuuuu, Sean O'Neal (sung to "Moonraker" theme)