Oh man, I love that they brought back "the Sbarro family" from 30 Rock.
Oh man, I love that they brought back "the Sbarro family" from 30 Rock.
Psssh, call me when they have two "real people"-looking ladies in a couple on TV. Wait, Orange is the New Black did it! Go Netflix!
How many shows on TV right now or in recent years have featured multiple prominent Native American characters, especially comedies? I can think of Fargo, and…that's pretty much it. And Fargo only had one, really. Before that, what, Northern Exposure? There's a good chance I'm missing some, but my point is: it's not…
Just to throw some more confusion into the mix, there's also the documentary called The Elephant in the Living Room, about people who keep exotic pets. It's very good but depressing in its own way.
Thanks for all the polite fighting! I'm going to miss it. Almost makes me wish I watched Game of Thrones…almost.
Tina Fey is my heroine. And by heroine, I mean lady hero. I don't want to inject her and listen to jazz.
It doesn't help that the sex is almost always boring. I mean, there's hardly ever any tentacles involved.
Are we really only getting 10 episodes?! Grr! Argh!
Easy: whichever all night copy shop was closest to Chuck's house.
It's a total Mozart-Salieri dynamic, which makes it all the more beautiful that Chuck actually compared Jimmy to Mozart in this episode.
I totally agree; he is also very talented, smart, and funny, which makes him the Complete Package.
This is how I feel as well. There's hardly an instance of a sex scene that I feel doesn't detract from the work it appears in. I find them insulting to my intelligence. Like I'm some slobbering halfwit who wouldn't watch a show unless I see some nipplage in the first five minutes. (That's actually a big red flag for…
This is where I admit I had a sexy dream about Bob Odenkirk after watching the streaking episode of Mr. Show.
Rob Morrow, the actor who plays Scheck, also played Dr. Joel Fleischman, from the great 90s TV series, Northern Exposure.
Especially during the mock cross examination, with the shit eating grins and all.
I've been watching the show with my dad, a civil attorney whose cases sometimes go to trial. He remembers the OJ trial well, so it's pretty interesting to hear what he has to say.
I cringe too, but I think it's because I know she loses the trial.
When I saw the Cousins, I let out a long "ugggghhhhh," even though I should have known they would be coming based on the preview from last week. Way to go, BCS, bringing back the stupidest, most cliché element from Breaking Bad. This show is becoming half a show I love, and half a show I just sit through waiting for…
Yeah, I wonder if people would be so critical of this piece if it had come out of the mouth of the hallowed Jon Stewart. Maybe a lot of conservatives don't watch John Oliver's show when it airs, but I bet a lot see these clips when they go viral. This could be wishful thinking on my part, of course. A lot of AV…
I agree with Gus as well. "Five-O" was easily my least favorite episode of BCS, to the point where I even skipped it in my rewatch of season 1 going into season 2.