"Go back to Fuckheadistan" — I don't even need to read further than this; I have to see this movie.
"Go back to Fuckheadistan" — I don't even need to read further than this; I have to see this movie.
Love you guys. Love Polite Fight.
I actually like Kim a lot less after this episode. She didn't want a romantic relationship with Jimmy until he had the money and status that went with being a lawyer at a fancy Santa Fe firm. That line in particular gave me a chill. She wrote herself into his life in the context of all the things they could buy.
Yes, that's the censored version they use on TV. If you enjoyed Kill Bill but have only seen it as such on TV, you need to go see the uncensored version.
I go back and forth during the song. I start out digging the groove, then it gets kind of annoying, then at the last "oooh, damnit!" I'm won over.
I wouldn't have minded one jot if the entire "bro team" had been kicked off. Kwame had a good start to the season, but is flaming out rather spectacularly since he got too in touch with his feelings the other week. They all seemed to deserve it. My favorite part was watching Tom grow increasingly amused at how bad the…
Sarah Paulson had a great silent reaction to that line, albeit out of focus and in the background.
I unfortunately went through a phase in my pre-teenage years (the worst timing for such a phase) where I really, really didn't like taking either baths or showers. The reason for this was a horrible show called RESCUE 911 that used to be on at my grandparents' house and was always about something horrible happening to…
He's always reminded me of an eight-year-old dressing up in his dad's suit.
One thing I've learned from Restaurant Wars is that chefs suck at naming restaurants. I know they pretty much come up with the names on the fly, and it really doesn't matter for the judging, but Palate? Seriously? It's part of the human mouth. And "District LA" is even worse, bland and banal, though I have to say it…
It didn't seem fair at all that the guests wouldn't leave! You'd think they'd be told beforehand to scooch on out of there when done eating. Were they just hoping for some extra screen time or something? They probably did hire a lot of aspiring actors and such to fill the room, so I'm guessing that was the reason.
Oh my god, I'm a straight lady and those things were so distracting. I feel like they were so there that they didn't even look good, but I'm sure most people who are attracted to women would disagree with me.
It can be two things!
Logged in just to upvote this; so so good.
The presence of John Travolta means this series has both racial feels AND facial peels.
You brought up Saoirse Ronan's hair in Atonement! Finally, a chance for me to rant about how she conveniently NEVER changed her hairstyle in her ENTIRE LIFE just so we the audience would always recognize her character, even in different eras and played by different actresses!
In my house, that's called the David Lynch.
Cuba is doing a great job, which doesn't surprise me at all given his breakout role in Jerry Maguire. The physicality is less important than the charisma. He's convincing as a former professional athlete anyway, even without those extra inches of height.
Um, Primary Colors was in 1998. Not disagreeing with you, though; he was great in it. So was Emma Thompson.
Agreed about Isaac, he's definitely the most fun to watch, but it seemed like he should have gotten the boot.