
He and his family are from my home town, and you are not wrong.

If I was just a third as rich as her, I know I wouldn't be so glum!

Poor Jess
I wonder which makes her sadder: thinking about the end of her first marriage or the success that Ashley, the second-born, is winning?

I used to love the way they would really stick it to that Spiro Agnew fellow!


Blang. I think he should have to take down a three course meal of Cheeseburger-in-a-can, Chicken-in-a-can, and Pork-brains-in-milk-gravy-in-a-can as part of his hazing ritual.

I prefer the term "pig roasting".

I'd pee in her butt.

Any Hipster worth his salt can tell you High Life is the new PBR, which was the new Schlitz.

@Jimmy James: 2nded on the Yuengling love here in GA. Definitely my go-to cheap beer now.

Been bartending at a latino restaurant for the last 3 threes and the recipes as I know them are:
Chelada: Beer on the rocks with lime juice and a salted rim.
Michelada: Beer on the rocks with lime, tomato, chili, seasoning, and a salted rim.
These are the Mexican variations. Other latin countries seem to call their

Hush your mouth, Cheese Gimp

Seriously, I almost just sprayed beer all over my laptop, which is on its last legs anyway. Take it easy with that shit.

State of Disbelief.

Mr. Simpson, I don't like to use the term "hero" lightly, but you sir, are the greatest hero in the history of America.

I'm Smaat, Mikey. People think I'm stupid, but I'm SMAAAAATTT!

BlindDude is done.

Everyone has AIDS!

P.S. Its not arrow shaped. Its shaped like Costner's cocknballs.

P.S. Its not arrow shaped. Its shaped like Costner's cocknballs.