chuck p

I like the way you made it your own.by removing the hyperlinks - a subtle but effective artistic flourish.

As always, allmusic.com has the answer to our music questions:

Nice…Metz/Fidlar should kick all kinds of ass

Happy to see Martindale return. I will never understand the extremely low ratings for this show.

Band basically admitted it:

"Anyone could have wrote that. Anyone could have done that one song."

It would take me hours to compile a Top 10. However, it wasn't mentioned anywhere else, so I wanted to add a shout for the original "Jackie".

Anti-American Graffiti for me.

Add in the new Dolphins logo for one that didn't necessarily get angrier, but now recklessly jumps through a flaming ring without a helmet:

Not Aaron Rodgers interviews should be a recurring segment in this column. He could do for Block and Tackle what Chang did for Taste Test.

Radiohead, many times over for the electronic influences.

Give me an "Atomic Punk" cover as well! A timeless rocker…can't believe 10 million people own this song.

Totally agree.

Catching up on Fargo, and thought this was the line of the series…I laughed well in to the next scene

Well said. What impresses me so much about the show is the strength across all facets: outstanding acting, sharp writing, and thoughtful consideration for character development, all of which is beautifully shot and scored.

Absolutely. I think it is the best drama since Mad Men/Breaking Bad, and Season 2 maintained the level of excellence of Rectify's first season.

Standout songs from this year:

I approach it this way: regardless of genre, my expectation for excellence from a music group I like is a 10-year run.

Just caught up on The Returned, and definitely agree that the
multi-season approach helped with the excellent finale. Seems like the
finale had consistent tone/pacing with the first seven episodes.

John, just wanted to say you are doing the Lord's work with this column