
This is such a great point, because I am forever thinking that. I'm an introverted jerk on most days. But in DLR or WDW, I'm chatting to any poor unfortunate soul (plz like / retweet if you get the reference) within ten feet of me about anything.

No snark is acceptable for this news post. Marty was a genius, a great guy, and absolutely entrenched in Disney park lore.

“I am no danger to pull a gun on anybody"

They tried replacing blood with sweat a la Mortal Kombat on SNES, but it wasn't showing well on screen.

I can't take any photos, because it's been nicked by a German.

My Left Foot" is a film about a bloke called Daniel Day-Lewis, who's all
mental, except for his left foot, right, but, and he has arguments - I
can't remember it - he has an argument with his Dad or something, I
can't remember, I wasn't watching it properly, but, even though he's
mental apart from the foot, he does

You miss 100% of the dumb posts you don't make.


They will occasionally play shows or release a song, presumably to increase interest in their nine million pieces of merch at mirchdirect.com

Can they sell it at that price?

Helicopter Game

It was such a perfect shirt. Not only for the reasons you said, but you KNOW a store like Cloud 9 is going to have about eight thousand Minions shirts to choose from.

I'm kinda surprised, since this season's been eh at best, but the finale was very well done.

I kind of hope he never does acknowledge this. And I also kind of hope he does acknowledge it by saying, "It's never going to happen, have fun eating!"

I'm sniktering at these jokes.

Glassjaw reference = mandatory upvote.

In fairness, he was in a rush because there was a guy in the bathroom who wouldn't give him his shirt.

It's the Silent Night, Deadly Night 2 of Sunny episodes.

I was always an Electronic Survivor Shot man myself.

No Wattamelon Roll, no care.