
On the bright side, I reread the first few of the aforementioned Myth series recently, and found they held up quite well for me. It helps that they are so short, their whimsy doesn't really wear out it's welcome.

Yeah, the movie lost me a good bit when every single station she got to got hit by the debris. I joked to my friend afterward that it clearly had been some sort of haunted satellite, and was chasing bullock for some reason.

Hey, it's Dee at 1:15!

Hey, it's Dee at 1:15!

I mean seriously. I can see one movie where you/your stand-in saves his thin, attractive buddy by carrying him in his arms from disaster. But by the 2nd one, I'm starting to have a few doubts.

No Stairway to Heaven?
Actually, I guess it might not be that inappropriate, despite my loathing for the song (and Led Zeppelin in general, for that matter).

PETA is the crazy cat lady of the non-profit world
To me, they always seem completely over-the-top half the time. And I'm a very left-wing vegetarian.

What happened to it?
Storm? Axe? Old age?

Did the avclub at least get some free hot sauce out of this?
Or would that be construed as violating journalistic principles. No gifts over 50 dollars from interview subjects.

Social Messaging Apps pretty mainstream
19 seems like a luddite flashback from 5-10 years ago - only antisocial types and perverts use the internet! They did a study several years back that found people who connected with their friends online actually had wider friend circles they saw more often then those who were

I'd say def a flop. It only made like 35 mil in the us on a 70 mil budget. Expectations were pretty high for it. Burton had a string of successes. The studio totally didn't get it and positioned it a summer blockbuster, instead of a tongue in cheek comedy. I saw it my freshman year of uni, and remember being behind

Was this really expected to succeed in it's day?
I feel like most musician vanity projects these days are basically expected to flop. Was this different way back in the long ago 80s, or did Purple Rain just set up high expectations?

Prehistoric sex romps?
My memory (I was like 13) of reading the Clan of the Cave Bear series was that it had pages and pages of sex scenes (and, in retrospect, comic-book level plots and characters). Where's the prehistoric novel where the characters just stare longingly at each other for decades because their passion

My nom for best road trip comedy. You can actually see why Kevin Costner became famous way back when, before he came self-serious and stopped the 'charming rouge' bit that was the only thing he was good at.

So Prince of Persia + Better Graphics - Interesting gameplay/level design?
Does that sum it up?

To the actually question at hand…
There's an entire psytrance period of my life I'd soon forget, musically.

I should prob clarify - I don't think she makes bad music, it's just not the sort of music I listen to. (ie you're a very pretty blonde, but I only like brunettes).

PJ Harvey is up near the top with Bjork for me…
On my list of musicians whose persona/methodology I really admire, without really liking their music a whole lot.

If you follow the link to the stereogum site, they've got picks for the top 10. For the other 40, you're out of luck.

I enjoyed Jabberwocky the one time I've seen it, but never been motivated to see it again.