
I think they all die. It says they all die *under mysterious circumstances* except one. Maybe the last one (probably Matt) is hacked to death by regular old insane living Agnes. That wouldn't count as mysterious circumstances, because it's just a human being with documented mental problems killing another human being

Apocalypse was fine.

It was already a haiku:

If Pewdiepie hasn't made a video about it, it didn't happen

So I guess now "A" stands for "Ayyy, this has rape/gay/trans/feminism stuff in it"

Isn't he queer as a three dollar bill?

An Obi-Wan film would be the perfect opportunity to retcon the goddamned Midichlorians. Maybe Liam Neeson cooked up the whole thing as a placebo to encourage budding young Jedi, or something. That does explain why no one just tested all the Senators for Midichlorians once they knew a Sith Lord was about.

I'm pretty sure all Star Wars films are war-themed. Or is that the joke? I don't even know any more.

That has to be a Cheech and Chong bit.

We know it because of Extras, though.

Were you here for Tartokovsky's Former AD? That guy was whacked.

A.V. Club writers are now required ro mention race and gender in every article, whether it makes sense or not.

I am positive there is no such job as Head of Content. Only teenagers ang big fat beardy guys say "content".

"Go 4 It" was a jam.

This guy Fuchs.

A.V. Club writers are under orders to talk about race and/or gender issues in every review. I guess when there aren't any in the thing they're reviewing, they have to make them up.

Now replace "specifity" with something that isn't an obnoxious cliche.

The only thing that would redeem them is if some giant bombshell is dropped (Shelby and/or Matt are possessed/dead/making shit up) that changes how the first five episodes play. Otherwise there's really no reason to ever rewatch them.

Specificity? Really?

Studio animation also benefits from scripts spruced up by actual comedy writers. I swear to Christ there are Patton Oswalt gags strewn about every CGI kiddie flick from '00 to '10.