
Apparently this is what The A.V. Club is now.


It's what they call people now that they can't say "faggot" any more.

CRITTERS goddammit

Don't forget CRITTERS


Why not just say "game" instead of "piece of gaming content"?

This is pure clickbait. I expected a link to some comedy routine or something. Not literally instructions for how to cheat at a popular mobile game.

Also, Louie season 4.

Was that in a "next time on" segment? I'm not sure those are canon.

I hope they completely retcon season 4. Make it Oscar's peyote hallucination or something.

I know. And I only click on them so I can read the comments and make sure people are complaining about how stupid they are.

I never even realized Mad TV stopped airing.

When I try to type "tits" it does "Rita"

Rene Russo

The new guy really turned out to be a flaccid wet fart, didn't he?

In The Gunslinger he's bald. Of course that was before King decided that Walter and Marten and Maerlyn and Flagg were all the same person…

As long as Trudy Damascus is still in it

Bill Hader

No fucking way.