
Did he like Cop and a Half or was that Gene?

I guess they're lucky the film actually turned out to be mediocre.

She don't know bout no science shit but she knows tha streetz

Probably both, because kids won't be impressed by the CGI sweeping.

It was big in the 80s in the Midwest, which is just the juice Spielberg aims to squeeze.

I usually get about a paragraph and a half in before that happens. Dowds you can tell right away from the C+.

I agree. I had never been exposed to the cartoons, and I thought the first Transformers was fine as a comedic alien-robots-meet-horny-kid type of movie.

Also, you know Adam Baldwin? He's not even a Baldwin Brother; he's just some guy!

Let me guess: the girl shoots the shark in the face with the flare gun

Insert throwaway line about atmospheric interference or some shit

Why are there so many cloud-based villains?

How the fuck was he NOT going to be in this?

I am positive an orc or something is going to laugh at one point and it will sound just like "kek kek kek"

The Batman scenes are okay.

Why should we care about a company's "social media plan" and "strategizing"? You just had that sort of shit crammed down your throat at college, so I understand why it's bouncing around in your mind, but do you really think it's what A.V. Club readers want?

What the fuck is this site now?

But how problematic is its portrayal of women in post-Bikini Kill America?

Is this what the A.V. Club is now?

Maggie Gylenhall saying "COO-kies". Dustin Hoffman talking with his mouth full. The older lady who puts her cigarettes out in a handkerchief. Just a bunch of crap. Fuck that movie.

I hate that movie more than almost any movie.