
He sucked on The Office and his "dramatic" roles have been flaccid as hell.

Jesus! Those were the best. I loved the one where a dying African boy and an American teenage girl both wrote pieces called "I Am So Hungry".

"Head Deadhead dead" was pretty good when Jerry died.

Dear Dotti or GTFO

It's not going too suck. Spielberg never sucks. It might be a dud Spielberg, though.

Not really. Can you even remember their names?

Mr. Black

I was trying to remember when Jackson showed up on Buffy.

Do you have to say "specificity" in every article?

Somebody needs to die on this goddamned show.

Your mother chose wrong.

Why doesn't your avatar have a big old feathery duck dickā€¦?

Did Strand eat the poison or not?

I don't know about this movie, but that poster is badass!

Is "would've" really appropriate?

All balding/bald badasses are living testaments to the power of the human spirit. I love them.

Probably, yeah.

But "Don't Stand So Close To Me" is fine.

I can't take a show seriously when it has characters named Connor and Madison. I feel like I'm chaperoning a fifth grade school trip.