
Why does it bother me so much that his name isn't Helmsworth?

That's O'Neal-tier material and these new folks are not O'Neal.

How was the monkey involved though?

I really wonder what a Schumacher Superman would look like.

You realize he means Trump is the real-world Luthor, right…?

That's not Superman. It's just Sun-Powered Alien Farmboy.


That's great news. Thom Yorke's solo albums don't sound like a yak with fetal alcohol syndrome AT ALL

I'm with you on the first Transformers. He was perfectly charming and the gags were solid.

Wait, so what does it mean then?

You avatar looks like a rooster.

Gervais just needs to do a podcast. Not a "series of audio books", just a goddamned free podcast. And no Dollar Shave Club horseshit either. He doesn't need the cash. I think he'd have a blast and he could be a great interviewer. Think of all his Hollywood mates he could have on.

Counterpoint: Hello Ladies was an abortion and the minge and mong material was the best part of The Office.

Three have been so many clickbaity titles lately. Like that one about how the new Spider-Man might be titled "Spider-Man: Coming of Age Movie" when everyone knows damn well that the websites for movies often append "movie" on the end of the URL.

My Episode I experience was the same. I was 17, really excited for new Star Wars, REALLY fucking high, the sound was cranked up to 11, everyone in the goddamned theater had a blast.

Did you really just say you were into My Little Pony before it was cool?

She should change her name to ~ Swinton

I'm a very sexual being. I produce an ungodly amount of…

He turns into a stand-up guy by the end of the film.

I've never watched Game of Thrones because I just can't be interested in elves and dwarves and wizards and clanging swords and all that, no matter how hard I try.