
New? I want him to make Terminator and/or Alien movies!

I anticipate a lot of camera swooping

This is not an article. It's not a think-piece. It's not anything.

There's a startling number of climate deniers here at the A.V. Club. I never would have guessed.

Ever notice how Billy Corgan sounds like Big Bird?

"Watching Los Angeles crumble"

They ought to title it The Lost Park: Jurassic World

It's like they get off by being withholding

No one has actually said if Dick Tracy is any good or not. I'm downloading it and will be back soon with the truth!

Why do you have to be so mean to Warren Beatty?

It looks like the back of my underwear

I haven't smoked for two years. I'm making my own "vape juice" and have worked down to almost no nicotine. It's super cheap, tastes awesome and my lungs feel great.

Vegetable glycerine and propylene glycol, along with flavoring and nicotine.

Rice is good for when you want to eat ten thousand of something.

I bought one of them because I was too impatient to wait for the torrent

I sold my Les Paul to see Folk Implosion at Bumbershoot and then I didn't even go

If it ain't rapey, no front pagey

Wait, do we all hate Louis now? Is it because of the jerking off thing?

I wish he still had his pre-A.I. sense of wonderment. He's never bad, of course, but I'd like to see another E.T. or something. Actually Spielberg should just kill J.J. Abrams and take over whatever he had been planning.

Kevin Costner is villain to all that exists and is pure