
All I've ever heard about this show was that it was "okay". Even from people who watched it religiously.

He's not going for anything too creative or ambitious. You're supposed to just be mesmerized by his face.

I'd watch Steven Wright in one.

It seems like literally anything would have been better. Even The Walking Dead: Genesis. People would have found the correct spelling of "genesis" refreshing.

See, I never want that to happen. Everyone pretending that title is normal or okay is simply unacceptable to me.

Can we please never forget that "Fear the Walking Dead" is the dumbest name for a television show in the history of time?

Christ Almighty, there are a thousand awesome subplots they could have done.


Maybe he didn't want the zambos to eat her.

He sold out by "punching up" a bunch of kiddie-flick scripts a few years ago.

I find your comment problematic.

Death and the Maiden was also out and was better than all of those.

If you're trying to build a gaming PC or roast your own coffee or solve a JavaScript problem, Reddit is great.

Say what the specific problem is.

Isn't a t-shirt merch…?

So a film based on a nightmare a 77-year-old veteran director had got an F at the A.V. Club? How am I not going to watch the shit out of this?

I met Lou Barlow once. He himself was working the merch table before the show started (New Folk Implosion, around 2003). I was obsessed with Sebadoh and all Barlow manifestations at that time. All he wanted to talk about was t-shirts and whether I was going to buy one or several.

I'll wait for the porno version, Rouge Dong

Bollocks. Bits of the first two Critters are legitimately scary.

Give me the power I BEG OF YOU