
What did you think of Diary and Survival?

Either that or Maggie will die. There's no way they're going to have two babies on this show.

No, it's for

Do it, fucker. It's brilliant.

Isn't that what Gotham is?

CRITTERS and CRITTERS 2 are the perfect hangover double-feature. I may be biased though.

I've been known to fuck myself

You're thinking of "seminal"

You can say "fuck" here.

I always preferred Ernest.

Just put the baby in the trash, for Christ's sake

All Dulli's stuff is amazing.

My favorite rock LP of all time. I love it so much I'm not even reading this article because it'll get me all riled up.


Is this what The A.V. Club is now?

Go on…

Soundtracked by Chris Gaines??

Why are cinematic Jesii always so miscast?

And that's the type of criticism that will really hurt Landis' feelings.

I knew right away it was him because it was like an adult writing.