
She's definitely going to die before she gives birth. They're not going to have two babies to deal with on this show.

What is this "Foh!" thing you keep saying? Because it's awesome.

I thought for sure he was going to die in the raid tonight, after that.

Wouldn't it be great if the next season time-skipped a few years and Judith became Clementine from the Telltale game?

I fucking love The Comedy. I'll have to check that out.


Vinyl actually sounds much better through a thick beard.

The last CD I bought was Prince's 3121 because of that contest where you could win a trip to his house.

They really mean "CD vs. digital-only". It's like if you said "Man vs. Ghost" — yes, the man also has a ghost inside of him, but when you say "ghost" you really mean "only a ghost".

I don't know why they can't just use the spoiler titles on Instagram or wherever, and keep the straightforward ones here.

Is Baskets deep like Louie or is it just a bunch of Galifiniakas looking sad in clown makeup?

Did Alfred ever fly Batman around in a Batdrone?

Did the trailer touch you…?

It's only six episodes so far. I thought they were a snoozefest but I'm still going to watch this second season because zombies.

This guy's super-hyped about French New Wave films. Jesus Christ.


I always rename "My Computer" on my PCs to "Pimpbot 5000".

Seriously. I was thinking Casino before, but now I'm putting my money on Museum. It's just too perfect.

Good point; it's actually surprising how many dog performances are garbage when you really analyze them.
