
If you watch more you'll see that the style is all the show has going for it. It's completely empty. It's just a deranged gay man's erotic fever-drean.

It's going to be set in a museum chock full of mummies and Bassett as Nefertiti's ghost and magical artifacts that make you murderously horny, etc.

She wrote four episodes of The High Fructose Adventures of The Annoying Orange, which is apparently a thing that exists.

This show is incredible. I don't get all the Adult Swim bullshit either but Rick and Morty is on another level. It's hilarious and the sci-fi is completely legit as well.

Seriously. It's always a magical portal that the evil elves came through, or some shit. Oh no, they're at war with the other elves! Who gives a fuck.

Movie with an "ostensible narrative" = BARF


That has to be what the crazy homeless by the time portal was, right?

That's exactly why I love it, though.

THAT SCENE was much better in the original, I thought. Tim Roth was too stuck in Reservoir Dogs "ouch this hurts" mode to really get the emotion through at any point in the remake, but especially in THAT SCENE.

As long as the show doesn't completely shit the bed, we like it fine. It's just that it shits the bed maybe eight weeks out of ten.

There can be only one.

If I were ever raining blood onto the person who stabbed my neck, the last thing I said would definitely be "I HAVE AIDS"

Got nothing on Jim Bray though, am I right?

She's got to hang herself while opera music plays, right?

The meetings are probably about diversity in general because market research has shown that Star Wars fans are internet-savvy and internet-savvy people respond favorably to "diversity".

Dee's weary deadpan asking why he needed a towel is pure gold.

I'm glad they didn't switch the traits around just to be cute. That seems like the kind of meta gag they like to pull in recent seasons.

There's going to be so much dust and stomping. I promise you at least a full hour of this film's runtime will be dust and stomping.

Snyder or one of his cronies actually said that the "v." was meant to invoke a courtroom battle because Bat and Supe's feud is mostly ideological.