
She also has six cousins who are skinny as hell

It's really the only good thing about the movie.

The DVD features of shit movies are often entertaining as hell. There used to be a feature here about that back before A.V. Club turned into Huffington Post

What does this show need to do to satisfy this reviewer? This episode was as good as Walking Dead is ever going to be.

He likes yachts and pinkie rings

I've never had any desire to watch it. I think having a flaming skull guy as protagonist is too on-the-nose for those guys.

I like to think she's Valerie Cherish in real life.

Could you BE any less watching of this show?

The Crank guys plus Cage seems like something that would just melt your eyeballs instantly.

Enlightened or GTFO


I watched the beginning of Batman and Robin and had to to turn it off when they broke through a museum skylight and kind of surfed down the spine of a dinosaur skeleton, completely destroying it, just to look cool.

He just got a little boner at how they recreated a couple of Terminator sets.

Alfred is now a drone pilot.

The animated bit ruins it.

I read somewhere he was actually trashed for that whole episode. And you can pretty clearly see that he's really vomiting in that scene. One of the best episodes of television ever.

No Frank's Intervention and no Gang Hits the Road = bollocks list

It's "by far" or "far and away". It can't be two things.

Why doesn't this Rorschach ever draw anything but my parents fighting?

I seesaw with Mose all the time.