
Bollocks to all this

He likes the mumbly Sundance movies only he gets to see. And probably Kurosawa or some shit.

The Linkin Park guy was in Stone Temple Pilots? What the fuck?

No. You have no soul if you don't like Days of Future Past.

So speed is important?

Guys, how badass is Days of Future Past? I was amazed at how that movie kept not fucking up.

I wasn't too impressed by the first episode either but I think it might turn into something great before it's over.

Frasier's dad…?


That's The Onion, those are fake reviews

I also bet he's done that.

I like how he makes sure to squeak his voice REALLY HIGH EVERY FEW WORDS in case the viewer was starting to get bored.

He probably thought he was Slumdog at first

That's two things.

I remember a talking pool of vomit…?

Dreamcatcher would have been so much better without the long-winded explanation at the very end. I thought I had figured out the nature of the aliens by that point, and it turns out what I had imagined was much cooler.

He's still awesome and always will be.

It has literally nothing to do with The Talisman. It's more of a Dark Tower spinoff than anything.

Spielberg and The Talisman were made for each other.

Bag of Bones is really good. King is trying for a "literary" style and he mostly succeeds. The very end goes off the rails as expected, though.