
You should watch CRITTERS 4

It was so quick I don't remember jack shit about it except Morgan Freeman saying we only use ten percent of our brains.

…today, today, today…

Lucy? Really?

You misspelled Amy Pond

So your foster parents are kind of dicks, huh?

Sound editing, or something

Puppet Master is garbage

When Ginuwine's album came out a while back, I confused him with R. Kelly and I was reading the comments on the review here like "Why is nobody mentioning piss?"

Also Critters and Critters 2! Those puppets were truly terrifying, and utterly cute at the same time.

Critters and Critters 2 actually have awesome puppets and creature design.

Fuck you, Critters is amazing.

No mention of CRITTERS? I would kill for a CRITTERS "Run the Series" or whatever you call it.

Thanks bro

Weird little dwarf man. That's what he is in every movie

I am afraid, in your anger, you killed him.

I really like the Lost/Breaking Bad style "seven second intro"

I think Ellie Kemper's adorable like everyone else, but watching this show made me never want to see her in anything again. At one point she and other characters kept saying "Keemee" over and over and I had to just turn it off.

Why does the name Dennis Perkins make me think of a mild-mannered serial killer?

I wasn't too impressed by Hardy. He just does a basic "asshole redneck" act behind a big old beard.