
I think this film could have done for the full-on Birdman style, with long-ass takes and a relentless drum score.

Where is the Revenant review? Is the movie even out yet? It doesn't really matter since we've all seen it anyway….

Tim Robbins is old :(

It's got to be Rose Madder.

It's funny for fifteen minutes and then you'll never play it again.

This town voted me out in a landslide! This town can KISS MY ASS!

All that mystery… and it's a white dinosaur.

Yes! I don't remember much about it (so it's pretty lightweight I guess) but I remember it had a very cool and not at all obnoxious tree-hugging sort of hippie vibe for the type of movie it was.

He IS grinning ear to ear. You know he reads all this shit.

You KNOW there's going to be a good 10- or 15-minute CGI money shot of the monster(s) at the end, setting up the sequel which I'm guessing will compete with Pacific Rim 3 at the box office (and in bombasticity).

Depending on how far into the film she gets out of the bunker, I'd say it might give quite a bit away.

I couldn't stand all the fancy Abercrombie shirts

Maybe the tension will come from that ambiguity. Curse of Chucky did a similar thing where it was unclear until well into to the film whether it was a remake or sequel, and the audience's uncertainty was used for dramatic effect.

I am so not psyched about seeing someone crawling through vents again…

The practical effects are disgusting and awesome.

Tim Burton's brother Dave did the monster design for The Babadook

Jason only uses a machete for killing. Have they even seen any of the Friday the 13th movies?


As long he posts a goddamned new video, Christ

It's just called X-Files? No "the"?