
This is the most incoherent review I've ever read.

Looks like Karl Pilkington ate Ricky Gervais

I hope they never mention any prophecy horseshit again.

Just say inbreeding

Now I want Rice Krispies treats.

I have never seen so many parentheses in my life.

So… Smaller Eyeballs Family Guy with Mexicans?

Jesus fucking Christ

Liz cut their hair and found them fabulous outfits.

What other especially egregious episodes has she done?

They could have at least used a different song. It feels insulting when the references are so in-your-face.

I guess we're supposed to believe she's just that fucked up from having her kid snatched away, that she'd walk straight into madness. But I didn't really buy it.

Seriously, that girl is very cute but she has features like a bedknob.

There's a brief moment where you can see that the gap is conveniently sized for Glenn's lean Asian body.

If this show ends up running for twenty years, which it might, one thing they could do is shift focus to Judith as she grows up, and have her refuse to kill any humans — basically take on the attitude of all the naive pacifist characters who have died.

The fact that he didn't get a farewell speech with Maggie should have been enough.

Other guy fell on top of Glen and it was his guts we see being eaten. Glenn can still escape by sliding under the dumpster and calling Rick on the walkie.

But they showed his innards.

Does anyone else think we're going to see some fangs before this is over? Like maybe the albino kids are actually Dracula-style vampires?

Do it. It's just starting to turn juicy.