
They showed the magical cork, what more do you want?

Wait a minute, if he's the Hamburglar, what do you call the guy who steals hams?

Arnold's commentaries are the greatest thing in history.

Don't be silly, they're aren't any Terminator movies after T2.

Illusions, Michael

What is the pun…?

It is absolutely a gimmick account.

The threat of sexual violence hung heavy over his every article.

Intensity is solid.

Do you have to do that shit at the end of every single comment? Who told you that was a good idea?

That would explain the lack of Whedonocity.

I enjoyed Cabin in the Woods a lot despite usually finding Whedon to be a bit too… Whedony. It really should have been a Lovecraft tentacle rather than a comic book hand at the end, though. That was bunk.

Hitler would have kept her around, for sure.

He is with Pamela in 2017; maybe this episode takes place before that.

I've been googling the shit out of RWG because I thought it was some hip new acronym the AV Club kids were using. It's been driving me nuts. It turns out it's just you, and you comment thirty times on every article.

Fuck you, Critters is the shit. Seriously, watch it. It holds up.

Did the Governor actually die onscreen?

I have high hopes for this, even after the unintentionally hilarious Only God Forgives ("Wanna fight?").

I am so happy that I have no idea what either of those songs are.

For fuck's sake, no one's mentioned Critters? I'm 33 and I still find that box art and those puppets to be uniquely and inexplicably menacing and terrifying.