
No zombie joke? I'm disappointed in you people.

That is incorrect.

Only "The Raft" is based on a Stephen King story.

I liked all the VHS-style visual distortion in the first film, which was completely absent in the second one if I remember correctly.

3,2,1,……….the rest.

I hate opera as much as everybody else, but Maria Callas really was incredible.

Have you not watched the previous seasons of this show? He's been in love with Pamela for years.

So is 2017 the next time there will be a meteor shower visible from NYC? Because that's exactly the sort of thing this show would do.

You think the fucking Princess Bride is funny, but not Louis? Madness!

I just think he's lying.

That movie is fucking badass.


Yeah. It's ten times as good now.

This show is so goddamned good it hurts.

I always pictured him as a dirty old man with a greasy ponytail.

You sound like a nine year old girl!

That's because you're a HOMOSEXUAL PEDOPHILE

He told Adam Carolla that he believes the Bible is literally true.

Back in the day my username on OfficeTally was Even The Doctor Didn't Know.

Why can't the A.V. Club hire someone to proofread the articles before they go live? It takes two minutes.