
Who's looking at the fella whose skull's fell off?

But when he does, he takes big old jean jacket Bad Company hits.

He didn't want to communicate with her.

Also called agnostic and gnostic atheism.

Just type "between", for Christ's sake.

What is DOT?

You should do slam poetry.

He's reused a couple bits from his Carnegie Hall special.

That's awesome! I can't wait to eat the shit I take after I watch that episode.

Grodin's speech made me cry.

Can you guys lay off the word "specificity"? I swear I've seen it about six times in the past few days.

The Godfather is a boring pile of shit. The score is obnoxious, Brando is absolutely disgusting, and every frame just drips with pretension.


Cujo is the one he barely remembers writing. Tommyknockers is the one that Onion article said he doesn't remember writing.

The obvious contempt the authorial voice has for most of the small-town bumpkin characters reminded me a lot of Vonnegut.

Are you daft? It's one of his best periods! Hearts In Atlantis, Needful Things, Desperation/Regulators, Insomnia, Bag of Bones, The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon, Dolores Claiborne, Nightmares and Dreamscapes — all top-tier King.

What about who we were then?

Shouldn't these sponsored "news" stories be tagged in some way? It's kind of dishonest otherwise.

The season 3 finale is the perfect ending for the show. Jim and Pam are together, Ryan got promoted, and Michael came to terms with the fact that the office is the "graveyard for his bones".

Darryl wasn't even there when he punched it the first time!