
If you subscribe to the right subreddits (or rather, unsubscribe from the wrong ones) the level of discourse is about the same as A.V. Club.

I recognized that as a cheesy cliche thing teachers say in TV and movies, and didn't think anything more of it.

This show is some of the most real shit I've ever seen on a screen.

Subconsciously, he doesn't want to.

She was the main guy's secretary, right? I always thought he should have just banged her.

I just remember tits.

Head like a fucking orange.

How the fuck could Batman ever be a threat to Superman? It's not like he's going to threaten innocent people for leverage. The only way this will make sense is if Kryptonite is involved, and the whole idea of Kryptonite is fucking stupid.

People think "atheist" means "gnostic atheist" when it hardly ever does.

It's his voice.

"It's just talking over a drum beat. I could do that."

Ain't no ginger bush in Boogie Nights

Short Cuts

No mention of Ween's "The Stallion" series??

Why does this make me think of George Costanza?

His fictional counterpart is much more famous than he is. Maybe he thinks it will be self-fulfilling prophecy or something?

If they're going to have different facial hair, they should dress differently also. I like the "who gives a shit we're twins" attitude suggested by the beard and glasses, but the suits kind of cancel that out.

That was only lame because they cut the scene where they put the socks on their dicks and ran around the library! That was his best scene!

It all depends where they go with it.