
Jaz drives were where it was at.

That, and the fact that mind-uploading might really be a thing in the coming decades and they're trying to capitalize on anxiety about that.

I think they showed his ex-wife's hand in a season 1 episode, and it was white.

Nothing is worse than X3, nothing.

A Serious Man was the Jewiest thing I've ever seen.

They made Freddy a child pornographer (not even a molester) instead of a child rapist/killer! What the fuck!

There was no fucking Mars in it??

Fuck Platinum Dunes right in its platinum ass. No good can come from there. The Purge was okay.

The lawnmower man swerved and ate the mole

Bears "almost" no relation to the story? Have you read the story?

I remember a scene where he shows everyone his face and they all jizz their pants at how beautiful he is.

His name is Dashes

Stick of Truth needs DLC! Hell, Imaginationland, something with Big Gay Al, etc. etc.

Well I'm just saying. The movie is a pile.

The pall of child rape hangs heavy over this review.

It sucks anyway. It has Zach Braff levels of "look how cute I am".

Well you thought the title had spoiled it before, and you still wanted to see it, so… no harm done?

Is that title supposed to be funny? Because, at least in the movie, he doesn't die. Is that really supposed to be the joke? That the title says he dies, but then he doesn't die? Is that funny…?

The Signal is genuinely creepy in a mind-fuck sort of way.

I'm guessing the brother actually killed the parents, or whatever.