
This film is really not Gondry-y at all.

It also happened to Green Day. On the first two albums that dude SHREDS the fucking guitar.


Jamie 4ever

Foo Fighters.

No way. The first two albums are solid as hell.

Weezer sucks without Matt Sharp, and The Rentals suck without Petra Haden. That's the formula.

"Deposition" is the bomb. I love that episode.

I watched that video on mute once while I was high and it became immediately clear that one of Alanis' "personae" in the car is supposed to be a retarded person. Seriously, watch it.

I would love a film version of Vonnegut's novel Galapagos. It was way ahead of its time; it has a smartphone in it for Christ's sake.

Oh, crumbs

It turns into hardcore pornography so gradually you don't even notice.

I've been meaning to ask you this for a long time, Zack: do you actually think Count Duckula was good? I mean, have you watched it as an adult?

Where have you seen it spelled that way?

Jesus H. Christ

No. No. Yes. No. No. No to that, too. Yes. No.

When I watch the Sinbad episode on Netflix, the audio always cuts out when he yells "I AM Jesus!". I always wondered if Sinbad found Jesus and asked them to edit it because it was blasphemous, or something.

Fuck you with your "Hmmph" horseshit. No one even says that, it's not even a joke.

I have zero anything

The threat of sexual violence hangs heavy over this review.