

Glad to help, although I'm pretty sure I watched it on HBO as a teenager and was disappointed in the lack of tits.

There's nothing really gross, blood or guts wise. Just really fast-paced punching, kicking, and stabbing, as well as some tame shootings.

What about Total Recall didn't hold up for you? I watch that movie at least once a year.

Where have you seen it spelled that way?

I remember being really freaked out when Baxter Stockman got turned into The Fly and sent to Dimension X in the cartoon.

I had zero exposure to Transformers as a kid, and when I watched the first one at 28 I thought it was decent sci-fi story about robot aliens. I thought the parts with the humans were funny.

no, it's Michelangelo

Watch it now, as an adult. It IS a solid movie.

False! Watch it as an adult. It's dark, atmospheric, funny, and the puppetry is amazing.

It's not!

Needs more cats

His name makes me think of assholes for some reason.

I gave up cigarettes for "vaping" recently and there's a site called the Vapor Chef that makes a nicotine-juice called Schmecto Schmooler, which tastes exactly like the goddamned stuff. I have flashbacks to getting hardons in second grade.

To me the raisins always looked like a bunch of dead flies in there.

Did you ever think Charlie Brown had cancer? When I was a kid I just assumed that.

That's Ice Cube.

Get Critters and Critters 2 while you're at it. They're badass!

Where was the baby at the end…?