
I usually hate yelling in general, but to me the louder Steve gets, the funnier.

Victor Salva? The molester guy? Seriously?

It makes me think of Miss Piggy every time I read one of your comments. Is that what you want?

Can I politely ask that you stop with the "Hmmph" shit?

You should be very ashamed of that.

What about before that? I can only think of "Brian Wallows and Peter's Swallows", or whatever. The one where Brian meets the old lady and Peter has birds living in his beard.

I think McFarlane might just be a really charismatic guy with a lot of Hollywood friends, like Puff Daddy in the mid-nineties. Dave Navarro was in his video, for fuck's sake.

Does anyone else think Soderbergh's website is kind of bizarre?

I dream of a Spielberg-helmed Talisman.

His early sci-fi shit is enjoyable.

Which one is that? It sounds cool!

This is a bit? What's the joke, exactly?

This article is obviously talking about the past, when the readership of this site were children and people watched movies on TV all the time.

The A.V. Club
There is something more going on here beyond being simple pop culture trash.

And the Ooze makes his suit grow more spikes!


You can find all of these for downloading onlineā€¦

They never explained how magnets work.

It's one of my favourite shows of all time. Which kind of bugs me because it was created by the Sex and the City guy, and I think that's the worst piece of shit ever.

Luck, but no Lucky or Lucky Louie?