
Are we all just choking on nostalgia here? Or are those all good to above-average songs?

It's really flat, though. That's the one where she whips out her ass, right?

I think you're one of those people who's just tripping balls all the time.

Lost explained tons of shit. It's just that what they came up with was incredibly stupid.


Whoever thought the Beatles had 25 albums should be fired.

She has the flattest ass I've ever seen

heh, "SAG approved"

I'm being totally serious: did you watch the film on acid?

So this takes place in 2013, on Earth, right? So why doesn't the guy get some guns?

Aren't there five sequels? Dawn, Day, Land, Diary, and Survivial?


pics or GTFO

I could see American Dad doing it

I feel the same way abuot Prince albums; everyone always says "oh, his new album only has two good songs on it" — but that's true of all fifty of his goddamned albums (except for Sign O The Times, which is the bomb all the way through).

Holy shit, Today's Special. That show molested me.

What you've written here is so high schoolish and smarmy that I would never read your blog.

I would plow the bejesus out of Artemis

Bill Ponderosa's character in The Comeback is such an asshole, you'll want to stab him in the head with your dick.