
B is a remarkably high grade for the ninth season of anything.

It would work if you said "how do you make these statements coincide". As it is you should have said "reconcile".

I fucking love Bill Ponderosa. I want to try coke now.
Also, he was Paulie G. in The Comeback.

I would have rather had a show built around the MJF we saw in Curb Your Enthusiasm.

Jesus, that's depressing. I just assumed that the only reason someone as physically thwacked-out as MJF would do another show at this point is because he wanted to do something of quality. I doubt he needs the money.

I just pictured your chicken spraying you with diarrhea. Thanks

Why did this have to be so awful? Couldn't MJF have just said to the suits "Hey, I'm MJF. It's a no-go until you bring me some good scripts"?

Also Regarding Henry and Forever Young.

Whatever happened to the Ben Linus/John Locke buddy-cop show?

I'd rather they didn't even include any of the "Sith Lord" bullshit


Okay, I just watched this again. Jesus Christ. It has two or three really good jokes but it's fucking terrible by absolutely any measure.

It's not like they show penetration.

Gremlins 2 and Babe 2 are the most batshit insane sequels ever.

Also Gremlins.

Terminator 2, The Fugitive, The Shawshank Redemption, Forrest Gump

Dude. Insightful.

He/she is not very good, but you don't have to be so mean about it.

They probably thought you were making a dickish joke, but apparently you weren't! That's some interesting shit.

It's about confidence. The title of the song is a reference to actual cream, not jizz.