
There were only four Dark Tower books, plus Wind Through the Keyhole. What are you talking about?

Well, since he announced it.

The cut Stand doesn't have The Kid.
You believe that happy crappy??

I assume he'll be appearing regularly on Better Call Saul.

Fucking Lost

Wait till next week when Todd fucks your mother.

[fat guy joke]

Yakuza boss die!

Andrea's being shot removed most doubt, in my mind, that Jesse is going to kill the shit out of Walt.

Don't say "crippled".

Did Homer actually gleefully stab someone?

That wouldn't spoil the movie Seven.

She was bald, Jerry! Bald!

I'm fairly confident he'll be the one who lives, if only because we're all expecting everyone to die, Scarface or Tarantino style.

For fuck's sake, Newlyweeds? What the fuck kind of title is that? Jesus Christ.

Check your privilege, shitlord

"…the only impediments in its way are boxes that are even bigger than the
one that made Michael and Jan’s kiss public knowledge—literally and
Umm, what?

I feel the same way about your mother.


He's going to go after the Nazis, unwittingly freeing Jesse, who will shoot him in the dome.