
"My kid would be totally thrilled if anything I said ever became a meme"
Why does this statement depress the fuck out me?

Me too! The whole time Hank was talking to Marie I expected his chest to explode in a bloody mess.

I don't get it.

Todd and Lydia are definitely doomed. They are the only pure villains left.

Your opinion is bad and you should feel bad.

RoboCop 2 is okay. It's one of those movies where you know it sucks, but it has so many cool individual scenes that it sort of justifies its existence.

Does anyone else here legitimately like Showgirls?
I think it's fun as hell. Its structure is very weird, as well; there's practically no conflict in the normal sense. It's like Revenge of the Nerds in that way.

He said the same thing about Jesse.

I'm thinking he had "comit" originally.

False! That movie at least tries for something beyond spectacle. "Deep Impact" even has a double meaning, sort of. Not that that's impressive, but they could have just called it Meteor.

This intrigues me. What is the quintessential George Meyer joke?

Eminem's Slim Shady LP!
It had "Side Sorry" and "Side Not Sorry".

All of Four Past Midnight is bleak as hell. It's probably his most overlooked and underrated work.

The guy from Today's Special always seemed kind of molesty to me.

I should like a basket of chips

I don't like it because it's boring. They did too good a job; it sounds exactly like country music. Which is boring as shit and fucking sucks.

I said to him what I said to Richard Grieco: "Play ball, you squinty fuck, or you're gonna disappear."

Two! He made two! (I really liked Terminal Velocity)

Critters cameo or GTFO

The Comeback