
You should mention that at job interviews: "I screwed around online a lot, but I never posted entire memes."

I couldn't tell if that meant it was good or bad, so I watched an episode f Brickleberry — and Jesus Christ, what a pile of shit. Like Charlie the Unicorn level of stupid.

I agree. "You can tell me anything…"

Why spell it that way? Are you a fucking eight year old girl?

I do NOT think that is funny.

Any time Michael spits when he talks is pure gold.
See also "It's about to get all stupid up in here!"

36 year old bald-headed f*g, blow me

@avclub-ac0cc045737916963285e58df2b820fd:disqus : Why do you know that, but haven't heard the album? Get it! It's completely nuts.

Ooh, la-dee-dah, and will you also be eating cheese and getting blown by a slave boy whilst you bump Yeezus?

There's this same weird birdlike screeching sound on quite of few of the tracks. It's creepy as shit, and I always imagine it's the sound when the aliens/robots jack into your brain (or whatever the hell that album is about).

Boo hoo, you bought $3000 speakers for nothing.

Year Zero is also really good, if you just look at it as a lark he did just for the hell of it, and not as a "Halo" in Sir Reznor's immaculate body of work.

He looks like the dude from Just Cause 2.

Nine Inch Nails put out a song called "Find My Way".
For fuck's sake.

Is "nobody's gay for Moleman" literally the ONLY gag from shit-era Simpsons that anyone repeats, ever? It seems like that.

I keep checking Pirate Bay but all that comes up is a Modest Mouse album and a porn.

You just ruined the crawl space scene.

I didn't know it had Khandi! I'm going to check that out now.
She's probably the only black girl I've ever wanted to shove it in.

That entire scene was bizarre, hilarious, and wonderful.

What the hell is wrong with Reddit? The characters, jokes, and general vibe are practically identical to here, or to any of several hundred "nerd" sites with comment sections.